Group Registrations
December 1, 2020 2020-12-01 16:52Group Registrations
Our courses are grouped into the following areas.
Statutory Responsibilities
- Child Protection
- Code of Conduct
- Designated Teachers
- Effective DSL
- Equality and Diversity
- Fire Safety
- GDPR Toolkit
- Online Safety
- Preventing Radicalisation
- Safe Information Handling
- Whistleblowing
Pastoral care and SEND
- Academic Literacy
- Active Questioning
- Active Reading
- Assessment for Learning
- Assessment for Learning: Tas
- Broader Curriculum: Early Career
- Building Growth Mindsets
- Collaborative Learning
- Developing Comprehension
- Developing Stronger Writing
- Embrace Challenge
- Engagement
- Grammar for Writing
- Grey & Invisible Students
- ICT in the Classroom
- Improving Boys’ Writing
- Alternative Provision
- Attachment
- Beat Bullying
- Considerate Form Tutor
- Family Issues
- Learning Needs
- Medical Conditions
- Mental Health
- Partnerships with Parents (EYFS)
- Social Needs
- Supporting Adopted Children
- Supporting SLCN: Primary/Early Years
- Teenage Life
- Trauma and ACEs
- Understanding ADHD
- Understanding Autism
- Understanding CSE
- Understanding Dyslexia
- Understanding the Child
- Understanding Street Gangs
- Year 7 Transitions
Teaching Skills
- Improving Writing
- Independent Learning
- Inspiring Images
- Lesson Design
- Managing Behaviour
- Managing Cover Lessons
- Managing Your NQT Year
- Marking and Feedback
- Positive Behaviour: Tas
- Primary Geography
- Primary History
- Primary Maths
- Primary PE
- Primary Science
- Promoting Inclusion
- Reading and Phonics
- Reading into Writing
- Rich Texts
- Role of the Key Person (EYFS)
- Speaking and Listening: Tas
- Starting Invigilation
- Stop Cheat
- Storytelling
- Study Skills
- Supporting EAL Learners
- Supporting HPA Students
- Supporting Literacy: Tas
- Talk for L earning
- Teaching the Class Novel
- Teaching Creative Writing
- Teaching Poetry
- The EYFS Framework
- Trainee Teachers
- Working as a TA
- Working with Tas
- Digital Strategy
- Effective Communication
- Effective Meetings
- English Leads
- Evolution of a MAT
- First Steps in Leadership
- How to Pick Winners
- Intervention in English
- Leading Departmental C P D
- Managing Change
- Managing Difficult People
- Managing Wellbeing
- Managing Your Time
- Media Engagement
- Mentoring Trainee Teachers
- Middle Leaders
- Organisational Climate
- Public Speaking
- Resilient Leaders
- Successful CPD
- Supporting HE Applicants
- Team Leaders
- What Makes a Great Head
- When is My Time Up?
- Whole School Intervention
Wellbeing and Support
- Being Resilient
- CPD Explained
- Education Issues
- Relaxation
- Staff Induction
- Stress and Wellbeing
Kindly complete the form below so that we can send you information regarding the group registration of the courses above.